DP9 Community Archives
Getting Started in Heavy Gear
The incomparable Jaeton gives an exhaustive introduction to the Heavy Gear games and universe.
YouTube Community Spotlight
Today’s spotlight is on showing off some YouTube creators in the community!
3DFoundry’s Eden
Today we’re celebrating this stunning Eden force painted by David, aka 3dFoundry!
Slyphic’s Black Talons
Slyphic has put together some incredible Black Talons that we’re going to show off!
Léon’s Port Arthur Korps
This week’s community spotlight is a fantastic PAK army sent in by Part Time Commie!
Board and Brew Terrain Showcase
PJ from Board and Brew Games shows us some of their incredible game tables.
TheDiceAbide’s MILICIA
TheDiceAbide shares some notes from their 2021 Golden Gear entry, painting a MILICIA combat group using a classic scheme.