DP9 Community Archives
I Want To Believe
A selection of legends, conspiracy theories, and other implausibilities from Terra Nova and beyond.
Eden and Utopian Airborne Troupes
Troupes of such APES are commonly deployed via aerial insertion as raiders and paratroopers. Their primary role is to disrupt Terranovan defenders and deal with troublesome targets via pinpoint strikes.
Oannes Constables Arrive on Eden
The Oannes is a common amphibious suit based on the submersible powered suits used during the mid-Colonial Period.
3DFoundry’s Eden
Today we’re celebrating this stunning Eden force painted by David, aka 3dFoundry!
The Black Knight Draws Near…
The Black Knight, or The Champion of Sei'ath. It makes little difference what you call him, they pilot the most advanced Animus on Eden.