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Faction: Peacekeepers

Stat Block

Primary Skills: Stealth (Camouflage), Awareness (Battlefield), Melee (Takedowns), Survival (Jungle), Gunnery (Small Arms), Institutions (Mekong Law)

Secondary Skills: Pilot (Ground Vehicle), Investigation (Police Investigations), Medicine (First Aid), Electronics (Computers), Tactics (Peacekeepers), Survival (Explosives)

Squad Organization:

On civilian duty Peacekeepers usually operate in pairs, and their military escouades consist of four of these pairs merged into an 8-man unit. 6 of these carry Main Weapons, with 1 from each of these pairs (3 in total) also carrying a demolition charge, while 1 pair that has received special training carry Support Weapons. SWAT teams are made up of 5 soldiers each, 2 of which carry Main Weapons while 3 carry Support Weapons.

Uniform: The Peacekeepers’ dress uniform is the same as their police uniform. A blue jacket with red piping, black pants, and white gloves. A blue peaked cap is worn at all times, even indoors.

Armor: International Consumer Products Jungle Combat System

This is a downgraded version of the original Jungle Fighters’ special combat dress, which has proved impractical to manufacture on a mass scale. ICP chose to reduce the armor coverage instead of the optical camouflage, under the logic that armor matters less than not being hit. (Light Flak, Infiltrator)

Main Weapon: BallisTech Type-04 Jungle Rifle

Designed to withstand the harsh conditions of the Mekong jungle, the Jungle Rifle is possibly the toughest weapon on Terra Nova, and has been said to work perfectly even after being left in a swamp for a whole season. So remarkable is the Jungle Rifle’s resilience that the Peacekeepers have so far been able to overlook its deficiency in actual combat. (Medium Assault Rifle, Reliable, Purpose-Built, Bayonet, Off Balance, Rapid Drop-Off)

Main Weapon: BallisTech Type-12 Shotgun

A high capacity pump-action shotgun that serves as the standard long arm for the Peacekeepers. The Type-12 is renowned across the South, sometimes as a solid and dependable gun, but more often as the iconic weapon of Karl Cheung on TV. (Medium Shotgun, Ammo Efficient, Purpose-Built)

Main Weapon: Hâuvê Cleaner-4 SMG

A compact SMG with an integrated under barrel shotgun for breaching doors. It was originally meant specifically for SWAT teams, but glowing field reports and an effective marketing campaign led to it being adopted by the Peacekeepers in general. (Light Submachine Gun, Underslung Shotgun)

Sidearm: BallisTech Type-07 Snub Pistol

A Mekong-made copy of the Dartand Snubnose pistol that servers as the main weapon of the Peackeepers on the beat. Excellent for law enforcement work, but its short range puts it at a battlefield disadvantage. (Light Pistol, Concealable, Rapid Fall-off)

Sidearm: BallisTech Type-10 Revolver

A copy of the Socorro Great Dawg revolver, chosen for its intimidation factor more than its practicality. Simplifications made to allow mass production in the Dominion removed the already meager recoil protections, making the Type-10 even harder to handle than the Great Dawg and leading to many fractured wrists. (Heavy Revolver, Prebuilt, High Recoil)

Melee Weapon: Stonewall Mk 3 Shok Stik

The “creatively” named Shok Stik is the latest iteration of a long series of stun prods manufactured by a plethora of different MDC subsidiaries. It’s designed for both police and battlefield use, though the current Mk 3 is intended more for the former duty in order to correct the distressingly high lethality rate of previous versions. (Medium Shock Stick, Reliable)

Melee Weapon: Dhaab Tantō

Introduced shortly after the foundation of the Dominion as part of an attempt to build unity by manufacturing cultural continuity with the ancient Asian states of Earth, the Tantō is more of a Peacekeeper status symbol and ID system than an actual weapon. It is so emblematic of the service that the outsourcing of its production after the original forge’s destruction in the Southern Civil War almost triggered an internal revolt. (Medium Knife, User Lock)

Specialist Armor: International Consumer Products Armored Gendarmerie Infiltration System 

The infamous Ghost Squads under the direct control of the Assembly do not legally exist, and neither does their infamous Aegis stealth armor. Reports of it are generally declared to be misinterpretations of the AGIS armor worn by SWAT teams, which has a similar name and appearance to the fabled Aegis, and is officially not at all a downgraded mass production version of the Ghosts’ armor. (Medium Flak, Infiltrator, Full Suit)

Support Weapon: Stonewall Mk 11 Shadelauncher

A bolt-operated grenade launcher that uses an elaborate cartridge-based pressure system to fire munitions noiselessly. The Shadelauncher has historically been one of the most feared weapons in the Peacekeeper arsenal, though it has needed to be updated several times to keep pace with improving sensor technology. (Medium Grenade Launcher, Silenced, Special Design)

Support Weapon: International Consumer Products Augmented Suspect Restraint System

Peacekeepers are required to train extensively with SRS net guns for police work, but the weapons were thought to have limited to no use in actual combat before the Interpolar War, when Jungle Fighter units found they could quickly modify the polymer restraining solution to be highly flammable. The updated ASRS, including a built-in lighter, quickly became standard among the Jungle Fighters before spreading to the rest of the Peacekeepers. (Medium Net Gun, Underslung Flamer)

Support Weapon: International Consumer Products Large Anti-Armor Weapon

A disposable rocket-propelled grenade launcher that carries an oversized warhead. The LAAW has proven deadly to enemy armor during battles in urban and jungle terrain, though the weight of the warhead reduces the range the point where it’s mostly ineffective in an open field. (Heavy RPG, Rapid Fall-Off 2)

Support Weapon: BallisTech Type-20 Modular Sniper Rifle

A frame-based sniper rifle that can be rapidly assembled from a core pistol through the use of frame parts. It was originally designed to provide a more powerful than usual weapon for plainclothes officers, and still serves that role as well as its military one. (Medium Sniper Rifle, Compact, Concealable)

Support Weapon: Hâuvê Thumper-9

A small tube mortar than can be stowed in a soldier’s backpack. It has limited range and low power compared to most infantry mortars, but its portability allows it to augment the firepower of escouades that would otherwise not carry heavy weapons. (Light Mortar, Compact, Rapid Fall-Off)

Support Melee Weapon: International Consumer Products Portable Jungle Clearing Tool

A small electric chainsaw designed to cut through areas of the Mekong jungle too dense for standard vibroblades. It is not officially approved as a melee weapon but every precinct has at least one Peacekeeper that’s tried to use it that way. (Light Chainsaw, Compact)

Officer’s Weapon: Dhaab Uchigatana

The resurgence of Tatara steelmaking in Baton Rogue sparked a planetwide katana craze that was felt particularly keenly in the Dominion, thanks to the historical fetisihization of Asian cultures. An official katana licensed for use by the Peacekeepers was quickly put into production to avoid losing sales to the UMF, though purists despise the shortcuts used to achieve mass production and will only refer to it as a “Guntō”. (Medium Katana)

Author’s Note: Ballistech and Stonewell are both subsidiaries of MDC. All ICP product names could also be rendered in Mandanese (transliterated as Cantonese), though confusingly enough the acronyms would remain the same.


