The NPC/Equipment series continues with the Frenchest of all Terra Novans.

Faction: SRA

Stat Block

Primary Skills: Awareness (Battlefield), Tactics (Southern Republic Army), Melee (Unarmed), Gunnery (Small Arms), Survival (Military Survival Training)

Secondary Skills: Stealth (Camouflage), Pilot (Ground Vehicle), Medicine (First Aid), Melee (Knife), Awareness (Forward Observation), Athletics (Throwing), Gunnery (Heavy Weapons)

Squad Organization:

SRA Escouades are made up of 10 soldiers each. 6-8 of these carry Support Weapons, while the remaining 2-4 carry Main Weapons. Heavy Weapons Escouades also exist where 8 soldiers carry Support Weapons and only 2 carry Main Weapons. Since the War of the Alliance the SRA has increasingly embraced an alternate doctrine where all Main Weapons in an escouade are replaced by a second, complementary support weapon, creating a unit with little tactical flexibility but that excels in a singular role. 


The SRA dress uniform is a burgundy jacket, burgundy flared pants, and long white gloves. A burgundy patrol cap is worn outdoors.

Armor: Territorial Arms SPMF (Système de Protection Modulaire de Fantassin)

A unique type of modular “semi-turtleshell” armor, where ceramic outer plates are individually attached to a ballistic cloth backing, allowing maximum protection for vital areas while keeping others flexible. A heavy armored harness can be strapped on over the base SPMF, giving it full-body turtleshell protection, though it is notoriously uncomfortable and can’t be worn under a field coat. (Light Flak/Medium Flak/Heavy Flak/Turtleshell, Modular, Turtleshell is Bulky)

Main Weapon: Territorial Arms Mk 8 FAMAT (Fusil de Assaut de la Manufacture d’Armes Territoriales)

The FAMAT was a revolutionary gun upon its introduction, being the first Terra Novan main service weapon to use a modular frame system, resulting in its instantly iconic “framework” design. With frame weapons turning into the standard over the FAMAT has become relatively unremarkable, though the design’s prestige ensures it will be used well into the future. (Medium Assault Rifle, Compact)

Main Weapon: Dartand M42 Semi-Automatique

The original standard marksman rifle of the SRA and one of the best ever built, having been in service in some form for nearly three centuries. Though most regiments employ it exclusively for parade and drill, some still swear by the M42 despite its outdated design and notoriously hard to manage kick. (Medium Rifle, Prebuilt, High Quality, Heavy Recoil)

Main Weapon: Paxton S59 Submachine Gun

Continuing its long march to becoming the most-used gun on Terra Nova, the S59 was controversially adopted as the SRA’s primary SMG over domestic competitors. While no-one would argue that it was not the best option, people with connections to the arms industry say that its prominence is an insult to Republican pride. (Medium Submachine Gun, Reliable)

Main Weapon: Marrat XT-12C Autoshotgun

An adaptation of the original XT-12 police automatic shotgun for military use. Although it has excellent stopping power, its high spread makes it unlikely to penetrate armor at longer ranges. (Medium Automatic Shotgun, Rapid Drop-off)

Sidearm: Territorial Arms Mk 3 PMAT (Pistolet de La Manufacture d’Armes Territoriales)

A true target pistol, firing small-caliber rounds at high accuracy, though with a shorter range. Rumors that the PMAT was built as much for officer’s duels as combat are closer to the mark than most military gossip. (Light Pistol, Reliable, Rapid Drop-off)

Sidearm: Rucker SP9 Pistol

Although technically made for the civilian market, this pistol has become endemic to the SRA to the point where many more prestigious regiments officially use it instead of the PMAT. Its excessive price for a sidearm is the official reason preventing its mass adoption, though bribes by Territorial Arms are another likely factor. (Medium Pistol, High Quality)

Melee Weapon: Territorial Arms Mk 4 Coteau de Campagne

A vibroknife specifically designed for use with the SRA’s infantry melee combat training. The Republic takes its knife doctrine seriously, and the Mk 4 is designed to a much higher standard than most other military vibroknives. (Medium Vibroknife, Reliable)

Support Weapon: Dartand M81 Standard Sniper Rifle

A mass-production version of Dartand’s legendary Premier sniper rifle. The Standard is so good that it may have stunted further Southern sniper weapon development since its release, since nothing has been able to meet the same standard [no pun intended]. (Medium Sniper Rifle, High Quality)

Support Weapon: Territorial Arms MNTN Automatic Grenade Launcher

A fully automatic grenade launcher designed to allow a single soldier to saturate a large area. It does not use standard grenades and instead exclusively accepts proprietary Territorial Arms-designed high-propellant grenade rounds, making it a pain for logistics officers and a huge boon for TA executives. (Medium Grenade Launcher, Rapid Fire, Special Design)

Support Weapon: Territorial Arms TAI-2 Mortier d’Infanterie

Massed mortar fire is one of the key infantry doctrines of the SRA, and the TAI series has been built to specialize in this area. As a support weapon it is excellent, but its operators always complain about the extreme amount of noise it makes when fired as part of a battery. (Medium Mortar)

Support Weapon: Territorial Arms N-25D Squad Automatic Weapon

The original N-24 machine gun was a solid squad support weapons but tended to burn through ammunition very quickly. Territorial Arms’s solution to this was to implement a simultaneous dual-feed system, allowing the gun to draw from two box magazines at the same time. The first N-25s had a tendency to jam, but this has long since been rectified. (Light Machine Gun, Ammo Efficient)

Support Weapon: Rucker IAU-X7 Infantry Field Gun

Widely considered to be Rucker’s masterpiece, the collapsible IAU-X7 might be the first truly great anti-gear rifle, combining portability with superb armor penetration. True to its name the X7 uses miniaturized versions of field gun HEAP shells, limiting its versatility but making its penetration that much more effective. (Light Anti-Heavy Gear Rifle, Compact, Fixed Ammunition: Armor-Piercing)

Support Weapon: Rucker IAN-C9 Chaingun

An inaccurately-named backpack-fed multi-barreled rotary cannon intended as the last word in suppressive fire and crowd control. Actually aiming the IAN-C9 is almost impossible, but the sheer volume of fire it puts out means it’ll likely hit anyway. (Medium Machine Gun, Rapid Fire, Off Balance)

Support Weapon: Republican Heavy Industries LMAGP (Lanceur de Missile Anti-Gear Portable)

Originally designed specifically as an anti-gear infantry weapon, the LMAGP proved quite versatile and eventually became the SRA’s standard multi-purpose missile launcher, replacing several earlier specialized versions. (Medium Anti-Vehicle Missile)

Support Weapon: FyStar Sentinelle-10 Sniper Laser

After Territorial Arm’ multiple attempts at creating a practical sniper laser that went wrong in increasingly bizarre ways, the SRS finally adopted a superior FyStar version based on the one already in use by the Legion Noire. It remains relatively rarely used, as TA’s previous failures has led to an institutional bias towards physical weapons. (Light Sniper Laser)

Support Weapon: Territorial Arms Mk 7 SST (Système de Suppression Tactique)

A conventional flamethrower that shoots burning liquid instead of combustible gas. The SST was originally a specialist weapon for the Saragossan suppression campaigns, but the fantastic kill ratios it achieved during them led to its wider dissemination throughout the SRA. (Light Flamer)

Support Melee Weapon: Dorion VM-3 Vibromachete

A large powered cleaver designed to slice through the thick foliage of the Southern jungles. It can also be used as an emergency melee weapon, though its size and blade shape make it an awkward fit for standard SRA knife techniques. (Medium Vibroblade, Off Balance)

Officer’s Weapon: Escrime Longuegriffe Rapière

While officer’s swords are common in the upper ranks of Terra Novan militaries, the SRA is unusually obsessed with them and every officer including NCOs is required to log a certain number of fencing hours each year [Riposte duels do count for this]. Most higher-ranking officers have their own custom swords, but the mass-production version is still quite effective. (Medium Rapier)

New Armor Trait: Modular 

This armor can be reassembled to any of the listed versions in the same way as a Frame weapon. Count as the Burden and PL of the highest-PL armor type additional equipment is being carried for.

New Weapon Trait: Fixed Ammunition 

This weapon can only use the listed type of ammunition. -1 PL.




MHT Update (Blitz and RPG)