RPG Extended Update
Summary of Changes
With the release of the 3.1 companion update and the new toys in it, the RPG needs to update its extended content doc. Major notes as follows:
Ares Pack
Hades Pack
Karakara + Zeus Pack
Dark Wolf
Reubeni Attack Trike Variants
Camel Variants
Nightengale (stat update to align with blitz stats)
Okay so the Karakara is in Extended with its Blitz stats. Bit of a 4th wall break, the Karakara in the RPG book was based on an earlier draft that got changed once the Zeus Packs became of interest. So here is the plan.
The Karakara in the core book will remain unchanged until the release of the expansion book.
Once the book is out, the Karakara will be errata’d to be align with the final version
Zeus Pack will be a separate item and, along with all the new stuff in this update, will appear in the Reckoning Day expansion book.
In the event of an update to the core book that gets published, the errata’d karakara will be implemented
The current karakara stats are essentially apocryphal once that is done.