EAZ - Earth Administrative Zone Sub-List
EAZ Snakeye Mamba
In the opening phases of the War for Terra Nova, the CEF assault into the heart of the Southern Republic was shattered. Presented with a direct threat to the very existence of the State, the SRA’s Strategic Arms branch was directed to turn its fearsome arsenal against the CEF landing zones, resulting in unimaginable horror and devastation wrought upon the lands of the Republic. Earth however was no stranger to nuclear combat and the South’s arsenal, while fearsome, was a limited resource intended primarily for deterrence. Surviving CEF formations struck out from their landing zones, launching their assault on the capitol Port Oasis and its vital strategic spaceport, intending to isolate the city and its fearsome defenses in an attempt to seize the port. The resulting combat saw unspeakable bloodshed among MILICIA and Republican Army units as the grim business of urban combat took its toll, with the once leisurely Citizens Defense Corps even the Youth Guard used to take positions in the front line.
Jaques Molay
Several cycles previously, having attempted and failed to push his rival Louis Phillipe DeRouen out of power, AST Lord Protector Jacques Molay had fled westward, aided by Lord Chancellor Ettienne Durocher and Mekong Authorities. While many loyal to Molay, or even suspected of such, were purged in the aftermath, the specter of Earth’s invasion and instability elsewhere in the South ensured such purges were far less thorough than they should have been. Hoping to use Molay as a wedge to greater power for himself, Durocher meanwhile began to set forth his own plans in motion.
Even as the battle for Port Oasis raged, Republican politics played out. Units and commanders with leanings towards Molay surreptitiously found themselves with choice combat assignments, while several DeRouen favorites were blamed for collapses of defense lines or prioritized for assignments with poor prospects for survival.
Using Extended Content Sub-Lists in Heavy Gear Blitz!
New sub-lists for factions may be added through the Extended Content. They work like the normal sub-lists from the main rulebook, and will benefit from the normal faction bonuses as well (unless otherwise noted).
Leagueless may not use the Influence rules to use rules from Extended Content sub-lists (e.g. using Southern Influence to take Ex Noir from EAZ), unless specified otherwise.
EAZ - Earth Administrative Zone in Heavy Gear Blitz
Southern Sub-List: EAZ counts as a Southern Sub-List with the following rules:
Pride of the South - Commanders and veterans, with the Hands trait, may purchase the vibro-rapier upgrade for 1 TV each. If a model takes this upgrade, it will also receive the Brawl:1 trait or increase its Brawl:X trait by one. A vibro- rapier is a LVB (React, Precise).
Allies - You may select models from CEF for secondary units.
Ex Noir - Combat groups performing SO deployment are not required to be placed in formation.
Unending Ambition - The first objective selected for this force will always be Capture, regardless of the roles of the combat groups in the force. Select any remaining objectives normally.