CEF Light Hovertank Squadron

CEF forces are renown for their scores of hovertanks, which are both an awe inspiring and terrible sight, it just depends on which side of the table you happen to be sitting on. Even though they’re called “Light” hovertanks, a pack of LHTs can deliver impressive firepower, which can be rapidly redeployed as needed.


Using Specialist Combat Groups in Heavy Gear Blitz!

Constructing a Specialist Combat Group is a bit different than a normal Blitz! combat group. Instead of picking the role and secondary role for the unit and filling it how you please, you must instead adhere to strict rules for composition, which may even include only running specific variants or upgrades. In exchange for adhering to this rigid formation, you may be able to run some models in a Role they may not normally fit in, or gain access to some unique options.

These groups may not be given secondary roles, and are only able to be used in armies from the force they come from, unless noted otherwise. They may however have any upgrades permitted by army and sublist rules, so long as the composition requirements are still met. Restrictions on the number of a specific variant apply as normal, for example, if a Specialist Combat Group is taken in the SK role, then model variants without SK+ may only be taken twice.


CEF Light Hovertank Squadron

Since the first CEF invasion of Terra Nova, hover tank formations have formed a core part of the CEF forces as well as the Port Arthur Korps after the war. Called “Prowlers”, CEF light hovertank units were notorious raiders who would strike from nowhere and break off just as fast. Many of these units were outfitted with LHT-71 model hovertanks although LHT-67s were common in lower priority and rear line units. The substantial casualties sustained by the CEF during the initial Terra Nova invasion as well as operations on Jotunheim and New Jerusalem have prevented the full adoption of LHT-71s and the -67 model still sees regular use. Amongst the brigades of the Port Arthur Korps the Fusilier has begun to appear in conjunction with more traditional LHT’s.

Combat Group Composition:

This combat group must contain between 2 and 3 vehicles, chosen from the following list:

  • 0-3 LHT-71

  • 0-3 LHT-67

  • 0-3 Fusilier (PAK only)

Combat Group Rules:

  • Hovertank Commander: Any commander that is in a vehicle type model may improve its EW skill by one, to a maximum of 3+, for 1 TV each.

  • Experienced Crew: Any model given the GREL Crew upgrade may purchase a single Veteran Upgrade without making them veterans.

  • The combat group is the SK role, regardless of the role of any of its members.

  • This combat group may be used in any CEF army, except CEFFF. This combat group may be used in any PAK army, except the Falcon Brigade.

Shop CEF Light Hovertanks


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