Building the Hunter Commando Variants

We now have two additional Hunter Commandos to play with, and thankfully they’re both pretty easy to make.

The Hunter Commando Storm is simply made from a regular Hunter Commando, with a Light Autocannon and a Light Guided Mortar attached to the backpack. You probably have ample numbers of LACs around, and maybe an extra LGM too.

The Hunter Commando EW is a bit more involved. I would say you could go two routes for making this:

Difficult - Use the Wild Ferret communication dish. Carefully remove the square sensor under the satellite, and pin to the rocket pack hard point. Depending on how well you removed the square part, you could mount it on the opposite shoulder by shaving down the LAPGL and pinning it there.

Less Difficult - Since the lore mentions reusing pilfered Chatterbox parts, I thought I’d see if I could make these parts fit. I started with the Arena Hunter Commando, and filed the rocket pack mount off of the torso. Then I filed down the back and bottom of the ECM pod of a Chatterbox Iguana, and mounted that far forward on the left shoulder area. Behind that, I simply attached the satellite dish from the Chatterbox Iguana sprue. The Arena Hunter Commando has an old-style Hunter head with large antennas, which I felt was perfect to add to the electronic warfare look.

Parts Used

Here you can see the parts used to convert the Hunter Commando Variants so that you can find them in your bits box, or order the parts you’re missing. Clicking any of them will take you to the store for that component. I hope you have fun converting your own!


CEF Light Hovertank Squadron


The Hunter Commando Brings Company