Building the Spearhead Tiger

Building your own Spearhead Tiger is thankfully very straight forward! All you need is a Tiger, and the Spearhead Parts Sprue from the DP9 web store.

Start by building the body of your Tiger as normal, with the usual legs, torso, backpack, medium rocket pack and arms. For the HAC arm, you’ll need to clip the Tiger’s hand off, or clip off the hand attached to the HAC part, then attach. Next attach the Satellite Uplink pod from the Spearhead Parts onto the shoulder opposite of the rocket pack. Finally, use the head part from the Spearhead Parts and you’re all finished!


Spearhead Tiger


Parts Used

Here you can see the parts used to convert the Rock Mambas so that you can find them in your bits box, or order the parts you’re missing. Clicking any of them will take you to the store for that component. I hope you have fun converting your own!


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The Spearhead Tiger’s got Claws