Unit of Renown - The Blue Angels
Blue Angels Kodiak
The 18th Heavy Gear Regiment of the NAF, known as the Blue Angels, are the ideal Norlight military regiment. Only the best of the NAF are considered for service in the Blue Angels, and even they have to make it through a grueling admission process that tests their skills and their faith. Each section has an attached Revisionist chaplain, responsible for the spiritual health and well-being of the men they serve with. The regiment holds daily services, and the chaplains take an active role in the discipline and promotions process.
During the War of the Alliance, the Blue Angels were assigned to defend a key pass leading into the heartland of the NLC. Early in the war, they were nearly wiped out repelling a powerful CEF assault. The remains of the regiment still went on to participate in many of the major late-war assaults, bearing the flag of the NLC alongside other NAF regiments. In the 1930s the Blue Angels were stationed in Massada and it was their commander Fulan who would later assassinate Thor Hutchinson and spark the Interpolar War. With the honor in question the unit flung itself into the war against the South where it earned a bloody reputation. In the aftermath of the bombing of Peace River the unit was refitted with new vehicles and recruits. Those recruits tended to share the hatred the Angels felt to the South and in the interwar years, Prophet’s Shield agents would find it easy to get a grip on the unit.
During the War for Terra Nova the Blue Angels fought on the Irrian Front in the NLC. The unit would participate in the disastrous defense of Sorrento where it was nearly destroyed. Keen to rebuild its premier unit, the NAF prioritized the Angels for rest and refit. Under the guidance of the Prophet’s Shield the Blue Angels were brought to near full strength and had much of their equipment replaced. Since then, the NAF has been hesitant to deploy the Angels and instead has them act as a showpiece. Blue Angel units were dispatched to various theaters where trideo footage of them valiantly fighting the invaders was broadcast across the north. Despite this, the Angels have become the target of several conspiracy theories that imply they are acting more as the Prophet’s Shields private army than a NAF regiment. Anonymous sources, leakers and whistle blowers have claimed that the misfortune of friendly forces in some areas the Blue Angels were operating in was not accidental. For example, a WFP lieutenant claimed that his patrol had been attacked by Blue Angels and that several previous patrols had been destroyed by them. The officer spoke on the condition of anonymity but elements of the Prophet’s Shield, NAF high command and the Angels are pressing for his identity to be released.
Using Units of Renown in Heavy Gear Blitz!
The universe of Heavy Gear is full of famous regiments, companies and other military formations. These are collectively called Units of Renown and are represented as add on rules to sub-lists.
Each Unit of Renown will state which sub-list is uses. It counts as this sub-list for rules purposes and gets all benefits of this sub-list unless otherwise noted.
Using Blue Angels in Heavy Gear Blitz
Northern Lights Regiment: This force uses the rules for Northern Lights Confederacy, with the following modifications:
Warrior Monks: Commanders and veterans, with the Hands trait, may become Warrior Monks for 1 TV each. If a model takes this upgrade, then it will also receive the Brawl:2 trait or increase its Brawl:X trait by two. Furthermore they gain one of the following as a react weapon: MVB, LCW (Link), MSG. This replaces the Warrior Monks rule in NLC.
Sacred Armaments: Blue Angel Warrior Monks may not have chosen models with any Advanced weapons.
Holy Vengeance: The first objective selected for this force will always be Assassinate. Select any remaining objectives normally.