Northern Camouflage Patterns
A Northern Mammoth in Pattern Breaker camouflage
The different armies of Terra Nova are known to adopt camouflage patterns on their gears for combat when fighting in different environments. Today we’re showing off some of the canonic patterns used by Northern forces.
Desert and Badlands
Primarly brown, khaki, and ochre shades give a variety of options when creating paint schemes that are at home in the vast deserts and badlands on Terra Nova.
Woods, Jungle, and Swamps
While the plant is mostly desolate and dry, he polar regions of Terra Nova are home to swathes of woodlands and plains in the north, with jungle and swamps in the southern regions. Greens can look great on the miniatures, while you can still include browns to look appropriate in high deserts.
Mountains, Urban and Polar
The slate grey mountain and urban schemes are great for showing the use of weathering powders and pigments to add contrast to the miniatures, while looking at home on game tables covered in buildings. There are even some extremely cold areas of Terra Nova where a snowy scheme would be striking and unique.