As part of the RPG, we want to provide more support with things like premade NPCs. This is the first in a series that will see us look at the various infantry of the powers on Terra Nova. Where better to start than the good old MILICA!

Thank you to Scuttlefish for writing this, and with that I will let him take it away….

Faction: MILICIA

Stat Block

Primary Skills: Gunnery (Small Arms), Survival (Foraging)

Secondary Skills: Awareness (Battlefield), Medicine (First Aid), Melee (Knife), Awareness (Forward Observation), Melee (Unarmed), Tactics (MILICIA),  Athletics (Throwing), Gunnery (Heavy Weapons)

Squad Organization

MILICIA Escouades are made up of 10 soldiers each. 8 of these carry a Main Weapon while 2 carry a Support Weapon, though in newly conscripted squads these latter two soldiers will usually carry additional Main Weapons. Heavy Weapons Escouades also exist where only 6 soldiers carry Main Weapons, while 4 carry Support Weapons.


The MILICIA dress uniform is a dark green jacket with beige flared pants  (although persistent production errors mean both are more likely to be seen in light green than their intended colors) and beige gloves. There is no standardized non-combat head covering.

Armor: Tetsuhama Mk IV Personal Armor Carrier

Light flak vest worn under field coat, along with helmet. Similar composition to the basic SMPF flak armor undersuit used by the SRA, but of lower quality and with less coverage. (Light Flak, Vest)

Armor: Territorial Arms SPMF (Système de Protection Modulaire de Fantassin)

The rare MILICIA heavy infantry uses the same modular flak/turtleshell armor as the SRA, mostly suits that failed to pass TA’s strict production review and were deemed unfit for Republican service. (Light Flak/Medium Flak/Heavy Flak/Turtleshell, Modular, Flawed, Turtleshell is Bulky)

Main Weapon: Dartand M03 MILICIA Assault Rifle

A cheap and rugged bullpup assault rifle. The M3 has average performance in most aspects, but almost never breaks down and requires minimal maintenance, making it the cheapest way to outfit a Southern armed force without compromising its combat power. (Medium Carbine, Prebuilt)

Main Weapon: Dartand M06 City Defense Submachine Gun

A poorly made gun intended for city defense units, but often pressed into MILCIA service for particularly disregarded regiments. The M6 is universally loathed by its users, but can be assembled out of common machine parts and so will likely never be retired. (Medium Submachine Gun, Rapid Drop-off, Unreliable)

Main Weapon: Paxton S59E Submachine Gun

The MILICIA’s real service SMG, this is a downgraded export version of the original Paxton S59 used by the PRDF and SRA. However, the mere fact that it is a professionally made Paxton weapon makes it a cut above what the MILICIA is usually issued. (Medium Submachine Gun)

Sidearm: Sepeca FD-4 Pistol

A cheap holdout pistol. Low stopping power compared to other pistols of a similar caliber, but the cheapest weapon in its class that doesn’t constantly jam. (Light Pistol, Unreliable)

Melee Weapon: Tetsuhama MILICIA Utility Knife

A small, flat knife designed for utility rather than combat. However, its design is so simplistic that no compromises had to be made for its production, making it one of the best-designed MILICIA weapons relative to the ones used by other militaries. (Light Knife, Dumb Weapon, Reliable)

Support Weapon: Territorial Arms N-36 Heavy Rifle

A failed service rifle candidate for the SRA that was reworked into a squad support weapon for the MILICIA. Owing to this origin it is fairly well-built for a MILICIA gun and is one of the few that soldiers actually respect alongside the Dartand M3. (Light Machine Gun, Prebuilt)

Support Weapon: Rucker IAR-5 Portable Rocket Launcher

A simple, reloadable unguided tube rocket launcher. The IAR-5 is made from heat-resistant ceramics that prevent the rocket’s exhaust from warping the barrel while still being affordable to produce, though this does make it rather heavy. (Medium RPG, Heavy)

Support Weapon: Rucker IAG-9E Grenade Rifle

A single-shot grenade launcher with a hinged barrel that allows it to be breech-loaded. One of the most recognizable explosive weapons on Terra Nova thanks to the instantly recognizable “boop” noise it makes when firing. (Medium Grenade Launcher, Ammo Hog)

Support Weapon: Sepeca FAC-8 Anti-Gear Rifle

A large anti-materiel rifle designed to allow an infantry squad to bring down a gear through sustained fire. To carry rounds with a high enough caliber to achieve this without using expensive composites the FAC-8 ended up being too heavy for the average MILCIA soldier to actually carry, though it remains in use for contractual reasons. (Medium Anti-Gear Rifle, Ammo Hog, Heavy)

Support Weapon: Republican Heavy Industries LMAGP (Lanceur de Missile Anti-Gear Portable)

The very same anti-gear missile launcher used by the SRA, grudgingly provided when human wave tactics proved to be less than useful against gear units. The MILICIA version has a special locking system to avoid criminal elements getting their hands on heavy firepower. (Medium Anti-Vehicle Missile, User Lock)

Support Weapon: Territorial Arms N-12 Marksman Rifle

Another unaccepted Territorial Arms design foisted off on the MILICIA, the N-12 had good accuracy but unacceptably short range for a sniper rifle—at least for the SRA, which treats its soldiers as less expendable. (Light Sniper Rifle, Rapid Drop-off)

Support Weapon: Territorial Arms LTD (Laser de Tireur d’Elite)

Equipping the MILICIA with cost-efficient laser weapons seemed like an impossible task, but Territorial Arms successfully delivered with an effective man-portable laser that was made of cheap polymers and used commercially available batteries. This has come at the small cost of the LTD overheating and catching fire when used for extended periods of time. (Light Sniper Laser, Light, Dangerous)

New Armor Trait: Modular 

This armor can be reassembled to any of the listed versions in the same way as a Frame weapon. Count as the Burden and PL of the highest-PL armor type additional equipment is being carried for.


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