Heavy Gear RPG Kickstarter: Status Report and General Progress
Hi everyone, Prof here!
I just wanted to first say thank you again for backing us and helping see 4th edition come to life. I would like to take a bit and give a status update on the RPG Kickstarter post completion. So, on to business.
Our artists have already begun and are producing great pieces. This will be a long process though and we have many more to go. You can see some samples at the end of the update.
Canon characters are in progress. We are working with a small, controlled group of backers (ie, the ones on Discord) right now to ensure we have the process of getting what we need down. If you have not been contacted yet, DO NOT PANIC. You have not missed anything. Once we have a few more done we will begin working our way via email through the list.
Editing and polishing is an ongoing task. The book is complete, but we are constantly typo hunting and tweaking. Of the 16 chapters in the book, 6 have finished final editing and collectively those represent more than half of the page count. Attached is a sample spread so you can see the layout.
We are populating the book with art now. Some art is being reused particularly in the vehicle list chapters and city-state images. Things like company logos, iconic images, and vehicle/weapon line art and such are going in there. This is so we can focus the new art on the main rule focused chapters. As part of this update, you can see 4 images done by each of our active artists. We have another 2 coming online soon as well.
Adventures, right now we are just awaiting Canon characters and maps for the first round to be ready to go into final testing and proofing.
A pledge manager will be coming out to support late pledges.
So hopefully that answers a few questions. We are in progress, and nothing so far has disrupted our timeline for delivery by holidays this year of the core book and season 1.
Feel free to join me on Discord in the Heavy Gear discord here (https://discord.gg/twJkaT29PQ) where I am fairly active, answering questions and working through Canon characters and art.
Wanna see some art?
We also pulled some page spreads to show off.
Techie Archetype - Think mad scientist who can buff equipment but risk damaging it (note this page is in still WIP)
A spread at the end of the Eden vehicle list. You can see the line art for each entry which we kept as a spiritual nod to the older books.
CEF Vehicle List Sample - Here you can see the BW art we used since these lacked line art. Keen eyed viewers will note the two frames on the left are NOT in Blitz. The RPG will feature many vehicles not present in the tabletop wargame.