CEF Reinforcements: F-55 & F-305

Type 55 Frame

The Type 55 has been developed as a general all purpose Battle Frame. Its primary duties include area suppression and anti-infantry support and in these roles it is seen as bridging the gap between traditional CEF armor and infantry forces. It is also designed to be airdropped in theater to extend its operational range and increase strategic flexibility.

While all the other Frames developed for the CEF have been designed to counter a particular mission threat, the Type 55 has been deliberately generalized. Of all the machines derived from captured Terranovan designs the Type 55 most closely matches the Hunter/ Jäger Gears from which it was derived, albeit with significant differences. The primary weapon is a deep magazine gatling laser, the same type as is used by the HPC-64, mounted on a forearm hardpoint. The opposing forearm hardpoint mounts a quick-change triple tube disposable missile rack loaded with airburst missiles. Two extra sets of missile tubes are carried in an armored pack fitted with a dedicated internal storage compartment located below the V-Engine. When used together, these two weapon systems can quickly disperse concentrated opposition through repeated area saturation or inflict severe damage on static defenses.

Secondary weapons include a standard CEF infantry 55mm anti-personnel mortar mounted vertically behind one shoulder and an assortment of anti-personnel and anti-vehicular grenades. A stock Caprician vibroblade is standard issue for close combat situations. The Type 55 can also make use of any Octopus Pack currently in production.

CEF F-55 in Heavy Gear Blitz!

The F-55 is a CEF Frame added to the CEF model list in Heavy Gear Blitz!. These additional profiles are Extended Content.

Model TV Roles MR Arm H/S A GU PI EW React Weapons Mounted Weapons Traits Type Size
F-55 9 GP, SK, FS W/H:9 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ MRL, LVB HIM, LABM (LA:2), LHG Hands Gear 1.5"
Artillery Pack Upgrade* +1 - - - - - - - - - -HIM, -LABM (LA:2), +LAR - - -
Mobility Pack Upgrade* +1 - - - - - - - - - - +Airdrop, +Jetpack:6 (Aux) - -
*Only one may be chosen.

Type 305 Frame

The first invasion of Terra Nova showed the CEF that long term campaigns were not only possible but likely. As the First frames began design, the F-305 was envisioned as a sustainment vehicle dedicated to repairing and recovering damage frames and vehicles. While not the most advanced machine in the CEF’s arsenal, it is irreplaceable for it’s combat engineering capabilities no other frame can boast

CEF F-305 in Heavy Gear Blitz!

The F-305 is a CEF Frame added to the CEF model list in Heavy Gear Blitz!. These additional profiles are Extended Content.

Model TV Roles MR Arm H/S A GU PI EW React Weapons Mounted Weapons Traits Type Size
F-305 8 GP, FS W/H:6 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LLC, MCW - Hands, Repair Gear 1.5"
F-305 Minelayer 8 GP, FS W/H:6 6 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LLC, MCW - Hands, Mines:3 Gear 1.5"
Weapon Refit -2 - - - - - - - - -LLC, +LAC - - - -

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