CEF G-16 Garrison Frame

While many consider the invasion of Terra Nova by CEF forces in 1951 as the start of the most recent conflict, that is false. Several cycles before the invasion the CEF launched Operation Icarus, a raid on the Helios system with the objective of destroying as much Terra Novan orbital infrastructure and fleet support as possible. The operation did succeed in this goal however it had a secondary mission to insert CEF forces on Terra Nova in preparation for the impending invasion. These forces would go on to disrupt orbital defense stations, communications and sensor towers and be the main muscle behind the coup in Port Arthur at the start of the invasion. Cutoff from the CEF main forces and lacking autofacs common to invasion fleets, these units were forced to adapt local technology to keep their machines combat effective. After the invasion, these field modifications would be adapted, standardized, and rolled out en masse. The cycles following the invasion saw the CEF forces pushed to the limit, attempting to occupy huge swathes of the planet in the face of a hostile population. Units on garrison duty got these field modified units of which the G series frames are the central arm.

The G-16 Garrison Frame is based on a F6-16 but some major components are swapped out in favor of locally available replacements. The weapon systems were changed to Terra Novan designs while the hover unit was modified to use parts designs taken from NuCoal during the occupation of Port Arthur. These units are often given to garrison units and even conscript units made up of Terra Novans fighting for the CEF.


Using New Gears in Heavy Gear Blitz!

Introducing new and old gears is one of the great parts of the Extended Content project for blitz. These gears may be used in the armies specified in their description. Sometimes, they will count as another gear for rules purposes, since the sublists were written without them in mind. In these cases, they interact with special rules as if they were a gear of the type mentioned. For Example, a Jaguarundi counts as a Jaguar for Rules Purposes, and so may be used in additional roles with the Surplus Jaguars from the Northern Guard rule, Surplus Jaguars.


CEF G-16 in Heavy Gear Blitz!

The G-16 is a CEF Frame added to the CEF model list in Heavy Gear Blitz!. These additional profiles are Extended Content. Any faction rule that applies to the F6-16 also applies to the G-16 (e.g. Port Arthur Korps and Acquired Tech in NuCoal).

Model TV Roles MR Arm H/S A GU PI EW React Weapons Mounted Weapons Traits Type Size
G-16 8 GP, SK, FS W/H:7 7 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ MAC, LVB - Hands Gear 1.5"
G-16 Anti-Tank 8 GP, SK, FS W/H:7 7 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ MBZ, LVB - Hands Gear 1.5"
G-16 Assault 10 GP, SK, FS W/H:7 7 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ HAC, LVB - Hands, Shield Gear 1.5"
G-16 Recon 9 GP, SK, FS W/H:7 7 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LAC, LVB - Hands, Comms, Sensors:24 Gear 1.5"
G-16 Striker 8 GP, SK, FS W/H:7 7 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LAC, LVB LFM Hands Gear 1.5"
G-16 Security 8 GP, SK, FS W/H:7 7 3/3 1 4+ 4+ 6+ MFC, LVB - Hands, Shield Gear 1.5"
Mobility Pack Upgrade +1 - - - - - - - - - - +Airdrop, +Jetpack:6 (Aux) - -
ECM Upgrade +1 - - - - - - - 5+ - - +ECM - -
Command Upgrade* +1 - - - - - - - 4+ - - +Comms - -
Conscription* -1 - - - - - - - - - - +Conscript - -

*Note: The Command Upgrade and Conscription may not be selected by the same model.

CEF G-16 in Heavy Gear RPG

  • Manufacturer: Moscow Heavy Industries

  • Unit Type: Trooper Frame

  • Height: 4.6 m / 15.1 ft

  • Weight: 6,200 kg / 13,669 lbs

Location Stock Strip
Torso 5 8
R Manip 0 2
L Manip 0 2
R Shoulder 0 0
L Shoulder 0 0
Variant TV PL Crew MR Arm HI GU PI EW Weapons, Equipment & Traits Type Size
G-16 8 1 1 W/H:7 7 6 +0 +0 -1 MAC (Manip), LVB (Manip) Gear 1.5"
ECM Package +1 +1 - - - - - - +0 +ECM Suite - -
Anti-Tank Package +1 +1 - - - - - - - -MAC (Manip), +MBZ (Manip) - -
Assault Package +1 +1 - - - - - - - -MAC (Manip), +HAC (Manip), +Shield - -
Security Package +1 +1 - - - - - - - -MAC (Manip), +MFC (Manip), +Shield - -
Recon Package +1 +1 - - - - - - - +Comms Suite, +Recon Sensors - -
Striker Package +1 +1 - - - - - - - +LFM - -
Command Upgrade +1 +1 - - - - - - +1 +Comms Suite - -
Mobility Pack Upgrade +1 +1 - - - - - - - +Airborne Deployment Rig, + Jetpack - -
Hands, Forearm Hardpoints

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Olen’s Black Talons