Caprice Reinforcements: Sarru and Rabbu


F-27 Sarru

The F-27 Sarru is a combat focused rebuild of the Type 27 “Big Guy”. The original Type 27 was designed for rescue operations and limited combat duties. Those roles are wholly unsuited to the type of situations it would encounter on Terra Nova. Alongside the F-112 Rabbu, F-32 Maru and F-55 Zikru it was reworked for direct combat operations. Various weapon loadouts were developed using preexisting hardpoints and equipment. Its hammer was retained due to its excellent performance in Caprician arena fights, the added intimidation factor is a bonus.


F-112 Rabbu

The F-112 Rabbu is designed for urban combat and also offer a highly stable firing platform. Much like the other F series combat mounts the F-112 was a rebuild of an existing unit. The Type 112 “Bug Monster” was a patrol mount used by corporate security forces. Its quick speed and ease of deployment make it a favorite for rapid response units on Terra Nova. Its signature second set of legs also gives it significant advantages over the F-32 and some question whether or not it will eventually replace the F-32.

Sarru in Heavy Gear Blitz!

The Sarru can be used in Heavy Gear Blitz! in Caprice forces, or in combat groups where Caprice gears may be used.

Model TV Roles MR Arm H/S A GU PI EW React Weapons Mounted Weapons Traits Type Size
Sarru 14 GP, SK, FS W/G:6 8 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ HAC, MP, HCW (Demo:4), LSG LATM (Link), MHG, MAPGL Hands, Climbing, Brawl:2 React+ Gear 2"
Sarru Warranter 14 GP, SK, FS W/G:6 8 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ HRC, MP, HCW (Demo:4), LSG LATM (Link), MHG, MAPGL Hands, Climbing, Brawl:2 React+ Gear 2"
Sarru Quasar 14 GP, SK, FS W/G:6 8 4/2 1 4+ 4+ 6+ LRG, MP, HCW (Demo:4), LSG LATM (Link), MHG, MAPGL Hands, Climbing, Brawl:2 React+ Gear 2"

Rabbu in Heavy Gear Blitz!

The Rabbu can be used in Heavy Gear Blitz! in Caprice forces, or in combat groups where Caprice gears may be used.

Model TV Roles MR Arm H/S A GU PI EW React Weapons Mounted Weapons Traits Type Size
Rabbu 10 GP, SK, FS W/G:8 6 4/2 1 4+ 3+ 6+ MAC, MP, MCW (Demo:4) LHG, MAPGL Hands, Stable, Brawl:1 Gear 1.5"
Rabbu Warranter 10 GP, SK, FS W/G:8 6 4/2 1 4+ 3+ 6+ HSMG, MP, MCW (Demo:4) LHG, MAPGL Hands, Stable, Brawl:1 Gear 1.5"
Rabbu Sniper 11 GP, SK, FS W/G:8 6 4/2 1 4+ 3+ 6+ HRF, MP, MCW (Demo:4) LHG, MAPGL Hands, Stable, Brawl:1 Gear 1.5"
Command Upgrade +1 - - - - - - - 5+ - - +Comms - -

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